Buttercream flower cake (How to make & Recipe)

Discover the art of crafting a buttercream flower cake that exudes playfulness and charm, employing a mere handful of piping tips and your favored frosting! Despite its extravagant appearance, even novice bakers can easily create this cake design. By directly piping buttercream stars and rosettes onto a frosted cake, the process becomes effortlessly achievable.

buttercream flower cake


The cake commences with a watercolor finish encompassing the sides, achieved by skillfully blending a palette of colors. In this instance, I opted for an assortment of pink, orange, and purple hues.

This technique holds a special place in my heart, not solely due to the fact that each cake boasts a distinctive array of colors, but also because it is virtually impossible to go wrong. The organic nature of the watercolor finish perpetually results in a stunning visual display.


  • Rotating cake stand
  • Offset spatula
  • Gel food coloring
  • Icing smoother
  • Piping tips 1M, 1G, 2F, 2C, 32
  • Piping bag
  • Sugar Pearls


With a diverse range of Wilton piping tips at your disposal, fashioning this vibrant buttercream flower pattern becomes a breeze. Each tip imparts a unique shape and contributes copious amounts of texture. Let’s examine closely to ascertain which tip produces which buttercream flower:

Amongst all the piping tips, my personal favorite is the Wilton 1M, which effortlessly produces flawless rosettes.

To begin, pipe the larger rosettes (the deep pink ones).

To create a rosette, hold the piping bag perpendicular to the cake’s surface, positioning it half an inch or so above the cake’s top. Commencing from the center and moving outwards, pipe a tightly wound spiral of buttercream.

As you conclude the spiral, gradually release the pressure on the piping bag, allowing the tail to gracefully taper around the rosettes.

Continue this process, forming 3 to 5 rosettes (odd numbers tend to appear more naturally).

Progressing in order of size, select the second-largest tip. In my case, I utilized tip 1G to craft the sizable purple blossoms. Utilize them to fill the gaps surrounding the rosettes, forming an elegant crescent shape.

To fashion these particular flowers, simply hold the piping bag with the tip pointing straight up above the cake’s surface. Squeeze the piping bag until the buttercream materializes into a flower, then release the pressure before gently lifting the bag away.

Ensure that the piping bag hovers over the cake, granting the buttercream sufficient space to flourish. If it comes into contact with the cake’s surface, the buttercream will have no room to expand.

Continue embellishing the crescent shape with buttercream flowers, utilizing tips of varying sizes. Employ the smallest tips to fill tiny gaps and gracefully taper off the half-moon contour at each end.

The remaining flowers can be fashioned using the following piping tips: 2F (orange), 2C (white), and 32 (light pink).

Lastly, introduce sugar pearls into the heart of the piped buttercream, instantly transforming them into enchanting blossoms! Employ smaller sugar pearls to fill any remaining gaps and delicately scatter them across the entire cake.

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buttercream flower cake


When piping buttercream flowers, hold the piping bag firmly in your dominant hand while exerting a gentle squeeze. Use your other hand to guide the tip and shape your blossoms.

If the buttercream becomes too soft and the flowers lose their form, place the piping bag in the refrigerator for approximately 5 minutes. This brief chill will counterbalance the warmth from your hand that may cause the buttercream to soften.

Should the buttercream be too stiff for piping, try massaging the frosting inside the piping bag to achieve a more pliable consistency.

Remove any undesired flowers meticulously using an offset spatula. Alternatively, you can chill the cake beforehand to firm up the buttercream and then eliminate the excess flowers.

Always remember to cease squeezing the piping bag before lifting it away from the design.



Set aside approximately 1/2 cup of buttercream and combine it with additional confectioners’ sugar in a bowl until it reaches a thicker, playdough-like consistency. This mixture will serve as the base, shaping a cone for each flower. Without this cone-shaped foundation, your flowers will appear flat and lacking realism.


In general, American buttercream proves to be the most forgiving when crafting roses and peonies. Reserve a portion of your buttercream batch to thicken it with extra sugar for the bases. Meringue-based buttercream, on the other hand, works better for creating orchids.


When making flowers in advance, store them in a sealable container in the refrigerator. If you are in the process of staging the flowers and merely require a temporary location while you bake or assemble the cake, you can place them in the freezer or let them rest on the counter.


It is advisable to assemble your flowers on a square of parchment paper to facilitate their transfer to a movable or chilled surface. When applying roses, a clean pair of scissors is useful for cutting off the base and transferring the flower onto the cake, cupcake, or cookie. Apply a fresh coat of buttercream onto the dessert to act as an adhesive for the flower.


Acquire an assortment of petal tips and a piping nail for your work surface. If you wish to purchase individual tips online, here are some of my personal favorites for creating stunning floral designs.


To achieve a two-tone petal, which lends a beautiful and often more lifelike appearance to your flower, you will need to prepare two separate batches of buttercream. I usually create a soft pink and a slightly more saturated pink. Fit the piping bag with the petal tip and place the more saturated frosting into one side, with the pointed end of the piping tip. Fill the remainder of the piping bag with the paler frosting, and you are ready to bring your creation to life!


  1. Commence by placing a petite cone of luscious buttercream onto a parchment paper square.
  2. Employ a gracefully curved petal tip, such as 120, 121, 122, and so forth, to fashion an assortment of overlapping petals that embrace the cone tenderly. Utilize your digits to delicately press the petal edges onto the base, if needed.
  3. Progress by augmenting the peony’s allure with additional overlapping petals. These particular petals should not exhibit a pronounced arch but rather be piped horizontally across.
  4. For a grander peony, fashion another row or two of petals. These petals need not embrace the center as closely, affording you the liberty to angle the tip outward slightly. Set these exquisite blossoms aside until required.


  1. Place a moderately to generously sized cone of dense buttercream onto a parchment paper square. Remember, the dimensions of the base determine the ultimate size of your resplendent flower.
  2. Employ either a small round tip or a plain piping bag with the very tip trimmed off to meticulously pipe the stamens onto the cone’s tip. Some practice may be necessary for this step. Begin with the piping bag in contact with the base, exert pressure while simultaneously lifting the bag, then continue raising it while ceasing to squeeze, concluding the stamen.
  3. Employ a standard petal tip (125, 126, 127, etc.) to produce compact arcs encircling the center with grace.
  4. Continue piping arcs that progressively grow larger as the rose flourishes in size. The petals should gently overlap; should any stray petals mar the flower’s appearance, feel free to employ a clean finger or a dainty tool to coax the petal edges downward, ensuring an immaculate bloom.


  1. This particular flower bears semblance to the aforementioned steps. However, you will employ the petal tip to elegantly pipe a spiral onto the base. In the accompanying photo, you will observe a rose being piped directly onto a cupcake. When executing this technique, it is vital to create a base that tapers into a cone shape.
  2. Once the center is piped, commence affixing the arc-shaped petals to construct your resplendent rose. Follow the same instructions outlined in the earlier section on crafting buttercream roses.


  1. These blossoms possess an entirely distinctive nature. I prefer utilizing Italian meringue buttercream for these intricate flowers, which can be fortified by blending it with American buttercream. The resultant flowers exhibit a delicate texture, necessitating storage in the freezer until just prior to serving on cakes, cupcakes, and the like. Employ a straight petal tip, such as 127, to craft three elongated petals. Orient the tip with its sharp end facing outward, commence the petal by pulling it forward, then draw it back toward the center while simultaneously lifting it.
  2. For the two larger petals, employ a curved petal tip. Extend the sharp end outward and pivot the tip, causing the blunt side to trace a slight path over the center. Cease exerting pressure and release when the petal resembles a half circle.
  3. Utilize a 401 tip to forge two hooded petals at the center. Prior to this step, I prefer adding a few dollops of colored buttercream at the core for additional intricacy. This can be accomplished using a small brush, toothpick, or a piping bag with the tip trimmed off. At this juncture, I recommend refrigerating the flower briefly to ensure its shape is retained.
  4. Utilize a diminutive round brush to apply supplementary details to the chilled flower. Subsequently, gently place it atop your delectable dessert, exercising caution.
buttercream flower cake

How to Craft Exquisite Buttercream Flowers

Creating resplendent buttercream flowers is an effortless endeavor that elevates the allure of every confectionery masterpiece.


To make the American Buttercream, you will need:

  • 1 cup (225g) of unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1.5 lb (460g) of confectioners sugar, sifted
  • 1 teaspoon of rose water
  • Soft pink, yellow, and orange food coloring
  • 1 tablespoon of matcha powder


To prepare the American Buttercream:

  1. Start by placing the room temperature butter in a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Cream the butter until it becomes smooth.
  2. Gradually sift the confectioners sugar into the mixer. You can add it in two separate batches.
  3. Beat the mixture until it reaches a thick consistency. Add a few drops of rose water for a delightful flavor.
  4. Set aside a small portion of the buttercream in a separate bowl. Add more confectioners sugar to this portion and mix it by hand until it achieves a play dough-like consistency. This will be the base for your beautiful flower decorations.
  5. Separate a few batches of the buttercream and dye them using the soft pink, yellow, and orange food coloring. Additionally, use the matcha powder to create a natural green color for the leaves.
  6. Transfer the green buttercream to a piping bag fitted with a 68 tip.


  1. Cut parchment paper into 2.5-inch squares.
  2. Fill a piping bag with the yellow buttercream and snip off the tip.
  3. Attach a 127 tip to another piping bag and transfer the blush and darker pink buttercreams into the same bag. Remove any air bubbles and perform a quick test.
  4. Use a small amount of buttercream to attach the square parchment paper to a piping nail or turntable.
  5. Shape a small cone of the thick base buttercream in the center of the square.
  6. Place bits of yellow buttercream in the middle.
  7. Pipe a spiral shape, then add curving arcs to the spiral, gradually building up more petals until you achieve the desired rose appearance.
  8. For a peony or closed rose, start with a smaller base, pipe tight arcs, and close it off in a rounded shape.
  9. Once your roses are complete, cut the bottom using scissors and transfer them to your cake, cupcake, or cookie.
  10. Create leaves using the green buttercream to add depth and dimension to your floral decorations.


  • Always remember to sift your sugar to avoid any lumps that could clog your piping tip.
  • Storing your flowers in the refrigerator will make them easier to handle when it’s time to apply them to your cake or cupcake.
  • When adding food coloring, do so gradually using a toothpick for precise control over the color intensity.


Serving size: 32g | Calories: 143kcal | Carbohydrates: 20g | Protein: 0.2g | Fat: 7.1g | Saturated Fat: 4.5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.3g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1.8g | Trans Fat: 0.3g | Cholesterol: 19mg | Sodium: 2.7mg | Potassium: 8.5mg | Sugar: 19g | Vitamin A: 220IU | Calcium: 5mg

Enjoy the delightful process of baking!

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