Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream

Indulge in a taste of pure decadence with our Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream—an exquisite dessert that embodies the elegance of Parisian patisserie. This luscious creation combines the rich, velvety allure of chocolate cake with the sophistication of Parisian cream, resulting in a harmonious symphony of flavors and textures that will transport your taste buds to the heart of France.

Picture a moist, deeply chocolatey cake that’s tender to the fork, layered with a sumptuous Parisian cream filling that’s luxuriously smooth and delicately flavored. Each bite is a journey through layers of heavenly delight, evoking the romance and artistry of the City of Light.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a moment of culinary bliss, Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream is the epitome of refined indulgence. Join us as we take you on a culinary voyage that captures the essence of Paris and the enchantment of fine patisserie, all in one delectable slice.

Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream

What is Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream?

“Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream” is a delectable dessert that combines rich, chocolate cake layers with a luxurious filling known as “Parisian cream.” Here’s a breakdown of the components:

  1. Chocolate Cake Layers: These are moist, tender, and rich chocolate cake layers. They typically have a deep chocolate flavor and a soft, crumbly texture.
  2. Parisian Cream Filling: Parisian cream, also known as crème pâtissière in French cuisine, is a custard-like filling. It’s made from ingredients like milk, eggs, sugar, and vanilla. The result is a smooth, creamy, and slightly thick custard that is often used as a filling for pastries, cakes, and desserts. It adds a luscious and creamy element to the cake.

The combination of the chocolate cake layers and the Parisian cream filling creates a dessert that is both rich and creamy, making it a delightful treat for chocolate and pastry enthusiasts. The result is a cake that marries the bold flavors of chocolate with the sophistication of French pastry, offering a taste experience that’s both decadent and elegant.

Please note that the specific recipe and variations of Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream may vary depending on the baker or patisserie, but the core elements mentioned above are typically present in this dessert.

Why you will love Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream?

There are several reasons why you will love Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream:

  1. Decadent Chocolate Flavor: The rich and moist chocolate cake layers provide a deep, indulgent chocolate flavor that’s hard to resist. It’s a treat for chocolate lovers.
  2. Luxurious Parisian Cream: The Parisian cream filling is a creamy, custard-like delight that adds a luxurious and velvety texture to each bite. Its subtle vanilla notes complement the chocolate cake perfectly.
  3. Harmony of Textures: The contrast between the tender cake layers and the creamy filling creates a delightful interplay of textures, making every bite a sensory experience.
  4. Elegance and Sophistication: The inclusion of Parisian cream elevates this dessert to a level of elegance reminiscent of the finest French pastries. It’s a dessert fit for special occasions and celebrations.
  5. Visual Appeal: The layers of chocolate cake and the creamy filling are visually enticing, making it a stunning centerpiece for any dessert table.
  6. Versatile Dessert: Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream is versatile and suitable for various occasions, from birthdays and weddings to elegant dinner parties.
  7. Satisfaction Guaranteed: This dessert satisfies both chocolate cravings and a desire for creamy, comforting flavors, ensuring a memorable and delightful dessert experience.
  8. French Patisserie Flair: It captures the essence of French patisserie, allowing you to savor a taste of Paris in every bite.
  9. Perfect for Sharing: It’s a dessert that invites sharing and celebration with loved ones, creating cherished memories around the table.

In summary, Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream offers a harmonious blend of rich chocolate and velvety cream, resulting in a dessert that’s both indulgent and sophisticated. Its delicious flavors and elegant presentation make it a beloved treat for dessert enthusiasts and anyone looking to savor a taste of culinary elegance.

Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream

Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream Recipe

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For the Chocolate Cake:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup boiling water

For the Parisian Cream Filling:

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

For the Chocolate Ganache (optional):

  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream


For the Chocolate Cake:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  3. Add the eggs, buttermilk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients. Mix until well combined.
  4. Slowly pour in the boiling water and mix until the batter is smooth. The batter will be thin, but that’s okay.
  5. Divide the batter equally between the prepared cake pans.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cakes comes out clean.
  7. Remove the cakes from the oven and let them cool in the pans for about 10 minutes. Then, remove the cakes from the pans and let them cool completely on a wire rack.

For the Parisian Cream Filling:

  1. In a medium saucepan, heat the whole milk over medium heat until it begins to simmer. Remove from heat.
  2. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together the sugar and cornstarch.
  3. Add the egg yolks to the sugar-cornstarch mixture and whisk until well combined.
  4. Gradually pour the hot milk into the egg mixture, whisking constantly.
  5. Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens and comes to a boil. This should take about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat, and stir in the vanilla extract.
  7. Transfer the Parisian cream to a clean bowl and cover its surface with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. Let it cool to room temperature.

For the Chocolate Ganache (Optional):

  1. In a microwave-safe bowl, heat the heavy cream until it just begins to simmer.
  2. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate chips. Let it sit for a minute to melt the chocolate.
  3. Stir until the mixture is smooth and shiny. Let it cool slightly to thicken.


  1. Place one of the cooled chocolate cake layers on a serving platter or cake stand.
  2. Spread a layer of the Parisian cream filling over the top of the cake layer.
  3. Place the second cake layer on top and press down gently.
  4. If using, pour the chocolate ganache over the top of the cake, allowing it to drizzle down the sides for a glossy finish.
  5. Refrigerate the cake for at least an hour before serving to allow the flavors to meld.
  6. Slice and serve your Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream and enjoy the delightful combination of rich chocolate cake and velvety Parisian cream.

This recipe combines the indulgence of chocolate cake with the sophistication of Parisian cream filling to create a dessert that’s perfect for special occasions or simply savoring a taste of culinary elegance.

Nutrition information

Here’s an approximate nutritional breakdown for Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream, based on a standard recipe. Keep in mind that these values are estimates and can vary depending on specific ingredients, portion sizes, and variations in the recipe:

Nutrition Information for One Slice (1/12th of a 9-inch cake):

  • Calories: Approximately 400-450 calories per slice.
  • Total Fat: Around 20-25 grams
    • Saturated Fat: About 5-8 grams
  • Cholesterol: Approximately 100-120 milligrams
  • Sodium: Around 250-300 milligrams
  • Total Carbohydrates: Approximately 45-50 grams
    • Dietary Fiber: About 2-3 grams
    • Sugars: Approximately 30-35 grams
  • Protein: About 6-8 grams

Please note that these values can vary depending on factors like the specific brands of ingredients used and any variations in the recipe. Additionally, if you add chocolate ganache or other toppings, the nutritional content will change accordingly. For precise nutrition information, it’s advisable to use a nutrition calculator or consult a registered dietitian, especially if you have specific dietary requirements or concerns.

Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream

Tips to make perfect Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream

Creating the perfect Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream requires attention to detail and precision. Here are some tips to help you achieve excellent results:

1. Accurate Measurements:

  • Use precise measuring cups and spoons to measure your ingredients accurately, especially for the cake batter and Parisian cream filling.

2. High-Quality Ingredients:

  • Choose high-quality ingredients, including premium chocolate, pure vanilla extract, and fresh eggs. Quality ingredients significantly impact the flavor and texture of the cake.

3. Proper Mixing:

  • Mix the cake batter just until the ingredients are combined. Overmixing can lead to a dense cake.

4. Even Cake Layers:

  • Ensure the cake batter is evenly distributed in the pans to achieve uniform cake layers. You can weigh the batter if needed.

5. Leveling:

  • After baking, level the cake layers by trimming any uneven tops to create a flat surface for stacking.

6. Cooling Time:

  • Allow the cake layers to cool completely on a wire rack before assembling the cake. Warm cake layers can cause the Parisian cream to melt and result in an unstable structure.

7. Parisian Cream Texture:

  • When making the Parisian cream filling, be patient and ensure it thickens properly. It should have a custard-like consistency.

8. Prevent Lumps in the Cream:

  • Whisk the egg yolks and sugar thoroughly in the Parisian cream mixture to prevent lumps from forming during cooking.

9. Straining Cream:

  • After cooking, strain the Parisian cream through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any potential lumps and ensure a smooth texture.

10. Use a Crumb Coat: – Before applying the Parisian cream between cake layers, consider using a thin layer of frosting (a crumb coat) to trap any loose crumbs and create a smooth base.

11. Refrigerate for Setting: – Refrigerate the cake after assembling it with the Parisian cream. This allows the flavors to meld and the filling to set, resulting in a better texture when slicing.

12. Optional Chocolate Ganache: – If you’re using chocolate ganache, ensure it’s the right consistency before pouring it over the cake. Let it cool slightly to thicken but still be pourable.

13. Garnish Thoughtfully: – Garnish the cake with chocolate shavings, cocoa powder, or edible flowers for an elegant finish.

14. Room Temperature Serving: – Allow the cake to come to room temperature before serving. This brings out the full flavor of the cake and cream.

15. Presentation: – Pay attention to presentation. Smooth the frosting evenly and ensure the cake looks inviting and appealing.

With these tips and attention to detail, you can create a perfect Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream that not only looks stunning but also delivers a delightful and decadent taste experience.

How to serve

Serving Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream is an opportunity to showcase its elegance and savor its rich flavors. Here’s how to serve it:

1. Presentation:

  • Place the fully assembled Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream on a clean, decorative cake stand or platter that complements the dessert’s sophistication.

2. Slicing:

  • Use a sharp, clean knife with a smooth blade (not serrated) to slice the cake. Wipe the knife clean between each slice for a polished presentation.

3. Portion Size:

  • Cut the cake into even slices. A standard 9-inch cake typically yields 12 slices, but adjust the portion size as needed to accommodate your guests.

4. Garnish (Optional):

  • Consider adding a small garnish to each slice for added flair, such as a dusting of cocoa powder, chocolate curls, or a fresh berry.

5. Plating:

  • Use a cake server or spatula to carefully lift each slice from the cake stand to individual plates.

6. Complementary Beverages:

  • Offer a selection of beverages that pair well with cake, such as coffee, espresso, tea, or a glass of cold milk.

7. Elegance and Enjoyment:

  • Encourage your guests to take a moment to admire the cake’s design and appreciate its luxurious flavors before indulging in its deliciousness.

8. Share the Story:

  • Share a brief description of the Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream with your guests, including any special ingredients or techniques used in its preparation. This can enhance the dining experience.

9. Capture the Moment:

  • Encourage your guests to take pictures of the cake, especially if it’s a special occasion or a particularly beautiful creation.

10. Room Temperature: – Allow the cake to come to room temperature for a short while before serving. This can enhance the flavors and textures.

11. Storage: – If there are leftover slices, store them properly to maintain freshness. Refrigerate any remaining cake in an airtight container to prevent drying.

Serving Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream should be a refined and delightful experience for both the eyes and the palate. Take your time to appreciate the elegance and flavors of this classic dessert, and share it with friends and loved ones to create lasting memories.

How to store

Properly storing Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream is essential to maintain its freshness and prevent spoilage. Here’s how to store it:

1. Refrigeration (Short-Term):

  • If you plan to consume the cake within 1-2 days, it’s best to store it in the refrigerator.
  • Cover the cake with plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent it from drying out or absorbing any odors from the refrigerator.
  • Place the covered cake in an airtight container or cake storage container for added protection.
  • Keep it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Beyond this time, the cake may start to lose its freshness.

2. Freezing (Longer-Term or Leftovers):

  • If you have leftover Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream or want to prepare it in advance, freezing is a good option.
  • Wrap the cake tightly in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn. For added protection, wrap it in aluminum foil as well.
  • Place the wrapped cake in an airtight container or a large freezer bag.
  • Label the container with the date and type of cake to easily identify it.
  • Store the cake in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

3. Thawing Before Serving:

  • When you’re ready to enjoy the frozen cake, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight before serving.
  • Thawing in the refrigerator helps maintain the cake’s texture and flavor. Avoid thawing at room temperature, as it can lead to condensation and affect the cake’s quality.

4. Protect Decorations (If Applicable):

  • If your Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream has delicate decorations, consider removing and storing them separately to avoid damage during storage and thawing.

5. Store in an Even Layer (If Possible):

  • If space allows, store the cake in the freezer in an even layer rather than stacking multiple cakes, as this reduces the risk of damage during freezing and thawing.

By following these storage guidelines, you can enjoy your Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream over an extended period while preserving its deliciousness and quality.

Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream


  1. Can I make the cake layers and Parisian cream filling in advance?
    • Yes, you can prepare the cake layers and Parisian cream filling in advance. Store the cake layers wrapped in plastic wrap at room temperature or freeze them. Store the Parisian cream filling in the refrigerator, and whisk it briefly before using.
  2. Can I use a different filling instead of Parisian cream?
    • Absolutely! While Parisian cream is a classic choice, you can customize your cake by using other fillings like chocolate mousse, fruit compote, or flavored whipped cream.
  3. How can I prevent my cake layers from sticking to the pans?
    • Grease and flour your cake pans generously to prevent sticking. You can also use parchment paper rounds at the bottom of the pans for added insurance.
  4. My cake layers are uneven. How do I level them?
    • To level uneven cake layers, use a serrated knife or a cake leveler to carefully trim the tops to create a flat surface.
  5. What can I do if my Parisian cream filling is lumpy?
    • If your Parisian cream has lumps, you can strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove them. Make sure to whisk the mixture thoroughly while cooking to prevent lumps in the first place.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  1. Cracked Cake:
    • Cracked cakes can result from overbaking or sudden temperature changes. Ensure your cake is properly baked, and avoid moving it from hot to cold environments too quickly.
  2. Soggy Cake Layers:
    • If your cake layers become soggy after adding the Parisian cream, it may be due to excess moisture. Make sure the cake layers are fully cooled before assembly, and consider using a crumb coat to seal the layers.
  3. Parisian Cream Too Thin:
    • If your Parisian cream is too thin, it may not provide the desired filling structure. You can thicken it by cooking it for a few more minutes or adding a little more cornstarch while cooking.
  4. Overfilled Layers:
    • Avoid overfilling the cake layers with Parisian cream, as this can cause the layers to slide or bulge. Apply a moderate amount of filling, leaving a bit of space at the edges.
  5. Ganache Not Setting:
    • If your chocolate ganache isn’t setting properly, let it cool for a longer time. You can also refrigerate it briefly to firm it up before pouring it over the cake.
  6. Cake Too Dry:
    • Overbaking or using too much flour can result in a dry cake. Follow the recipe measurements precisely and use a timer when baking.
  7. Filling Leaking:
    • To prevent the filling from leaking out, create a dam of frosting around the edge of the cake layers before adding the Parisian cream.
  8. Uneven Layers:
    • If the cake layers are uneven, use a cake leveler or a serrated knife to trim them to an even height before assembling the cake.

By addressing these common questions and troubleshooting issues, you’ll be better prepared to create a perfect Chocolate Cake With Parisian Cream and enjoy a delightful dessert experience.

Happy baking!

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