Exploring Ghent, Belgium: A Comprehensive Travel Guide

Unveil the charm of Ghent, where medieval history intertwines with modern vibrancy. This guide invites travelers to explore architectural marvels, indulge in culinary delights, embrace cultural festivities, and navigate practical tips for a seamless visit to Belgium’s cultural gem. Whether strolling along historic canals or savoring Belgian waffles, Ghent promises an unforgettable journey through its timeless streets and spirited soul.

1. Introduction

Nestled in the heart of Flanders, Ghent is a city that seamlessly blends medieval charm with a vibrant modern flair. As Belgium’s third-largest city, Ghent boasts a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages, reflected in its stunning architecture, picturesque canals, and cultural heritage. 

From its majestic cathedrals and ancient castles to its thriving arts scene and gastronomic delights, Ghent offers travelers a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be explored. This comprehensive guide will delve into Ghent’s top tourist destinations, delectable local cuisine, practical travel tips, and unique experiences to ensure your visit is as enriching as it is memorable.

2. Tourist Destinations

Embark on a journey through Ghent’s rich history with visits to Gravensteen Castle, St. Bavo’s Cathedral, and the iconic Belfry. Each site offers a glimpse into the city’s medieval past, showcasing architectural splendor and cultural significance that continue to fascinate visitors from around the globe.

2.1 Historical Sites

Gravensteen Castle

AD 4nXd9VtQ5nKQ1dNI6wV9kKILLz D2M fRtBpYNGC79FCw P2MACN7Nls5lbX8Dif9UGJaLYeRQclLmbEqBlnMP2wDVKHlIyYTEzbEsM5cZnXB2SKm RI3eUqC4OIX2q7lhaahOmVwLTpqFCV3GEVCE8Db7Kk?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

Gravensteen Castle, or the Castle of the Counts, stands as a formidable medieval fortress in the heart of Ghent. Built in the 12th century by Count Philip of Alsace, the castle served as a symbol of his power and authority. Today, visitors can explore its well-preserved ramparts, towers, and dungeons, gaining insight into Ghent’s feudal past. The castle offers panoramic views of the cityscape, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts and photographers alike.

St. Bavo’s Cathedral

St. Bavo’s Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, renowned for housing the world-famous Ghent Altarpiece, also known as the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. This 15th-century polyptych by the Van Eyck brothers is a pinnacle of Flemish painting and is considered one of the most important works of art in Europe. The cathedral itself is a marvel, with its soaring spires, intricate stained glass windows, and ornate chapels dedicated to saints and martyrs.

AD 4nXccZKRjeU5PkmzK3 splAPzop57hkrpHi zcHTSxqVQB5K5ybVrIOZOMZmLg2gryNxHV6mGc9xdCTwsewIWSnxc7AvB1gsNfFOJCCcn8McnrjuFNgIw4EJ IIYV6WUcktZr79TQxiXpAbZu7

Belfry of Ghent

The Belfry of Ghent, a UNESCO World Heritage site, dominates the city skyline with its towering presence. Originally constructed in the 14th century as part of the city’s Cloth Hall, the belfry served as both a watchtower and a symbol of civic pride. Visitors can climb its 91-meter-high tower to enjoy breathtaking views of Ghent and hear the melodious chimes of its carillon bells, which continue to ring out over the city to this day.

AD 4nXdvCdH9TI7msnkFk5y iyjUrokf20pvk8CEk3fBBSEeT3YjYSKqbqXmS49xMXq6WMog5W0 RKpz 55pwrJzS3b BA0Fvpx18OgTQTwgO2 ZDVfxJJt8b9L9V6mcorsC2PNXiZSuRu7bIV6A26lBw4aVn fj?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

2.2 Museums and Galleries

Ghent City Museum (STAM)

STAM, the Ghent City Museum, provides a fascinating journey through the history of the city from its early origins to the present day. Housed in a modern architectural setting, STAM’s interactive exhibits and multimedia displays bring Ghent’s urban development, social changes, and cultural heritage to life. It’s a perfect starting point to understand how Ghent evolved from a medieval trading hub to a thriving cultural center.

Museum of Fine Arts (MSK)

The Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent is a treasure trove of Flemish and Belgian art, spanning from the Middle Ages to the present day. Its collection includes masterpieces by renowned artists such as Jan van Eyck, Hieronymus Bosch, and Peter Paul Rubens. Visitors can admire exquisite paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts that showcase the region’s artistic prowess and cultural heritage over the centuries.

AD 4nXdl4L ZTEhdBDDAva9tBW9MjHtjln EtfUmNR7htU7EAAcn4xHvU KSoWZQTm1aMUM9an gT5wu4JVENrKQlbeeklj3aq77ChGX4zg8i2o7n670OCTpUnr2KCRqS6CxalUeS

Design Museum Gent

For aficionados of design and contemporary art, the Design Museum Gent offers a unique perspective on Belgian and international design trends. Housed in a stunning 18th-century mansion, the museum features exhibitions that explore various facets of design, including furniture, fashion, graphic design, and industrial innovation. It’s a testament to Ghent’s creative spirit and its role in shaping modern design aesthetics.

2.3 Architectural Highlights

Ghent Town Hall (Stadhuis)

The Ghent Town Hall, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture, stands as a testament to the city’s wealth and prosperity during the late Middle Ages. Its facade is adorned with intricately carved statues of nobles, saints, and allegorical figures, reflecting Ghent’s civic pride and artistic craftsmanship. Guided tours allow visitors to explore its opulent interiors, including the magnificent Wedding Chamber and the Council Chamber, where historic decisions were made.

AD 4nXd4JbslpD4NK2tSBFbiTjcNVpUxwlIi1xuXhyzjip mo 0ko6MGy79l8LPPFjDiR 14Dn7rAE4G7 m9DESj8 HdpOHoVYzSZOj3UTGlSkoZTaCPIfItLKfR26FylqVpbNFjW2ImSBpcQW5smdudtVYFHBA?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A
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Graslei and Korenlei

Graslei and Korenlei are picturesque quaysides along the banks of the River Lys (Leie), lined with historic guild houses that date back to the Middle Ages. These beautifully preserved buildings once housed guilds and trade associations involved in Ghent’s bustling maritime trade. Today, they serve as charming backdrops for riverside cafes, restaurants, and boat tours, offering visitors a glimpse into Ghent’s mercantile past and scenic views of its waterfront.

AD 4nXcZWfCsCYrwEUQClhHEWirrY aprk3kTZtz2xsLpk7uis0lw0iKF1jfCT m8p 0pW5aIQtRXQ1fG9dIttFjoKJvCPgJz1wUw3pVXOEU4wbsQwNp x NJkeywQen JeRXvH7vVV6kXJF u3JO3j0zjrgw5w?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

St. Nicholas’ Church

St. Nicholas’ Church is a stunning example of Scheldt Gothic architecture, characterized by its towering spire, pointed arches, and elegant rose windows. Built in the 13th century, the church served as a place of worship for merchants and traders who thrived in Ghent’s prosperous medieval economy. Inside, visitors can admire its vaulted ceilings, exquisite stained glass, and impressive altarpieces, which reflect the city’s religious and artistic heritage.

AD 4nXf6vQB4KekaxfNWiOCnMa7VqVp6tnE49ZJJIfmeSX2eydfhJODQeaNa82vi79e1szLyJbudtldhHPcKCJEsBZZBwapqU7

3. Delicious Dishes

Savor the flavors of Ghent with Waterzooi, a creamy stew that epitomizes Flemish culinary tradition, or indulge in Gentse Stoverij, a hearty beef stew cooked in beer. Ghent’s culinary scene delights with Belgian waffles topped with decadent chocolate and artisanal chocolates that embody the country’s sweet reputation.

3.1 Traditional Belgian Cuisine


Waterzooi is a traditional Flemish stew that originated in Ghent during the Middle Ages. Made with tender chicken or fish simmered in a creamy broth of vegetables, herbs, and egg yolks, Waterzooi embodies Ghent’s culinary heritage. It is typically served with a side of crispy Belgian fries or buttered bread, making it a hearty and comforting dish enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

AD 4nXf6k7oWt90HPbpWkBGRS hkahTTHS2IuMkO5mZ08bY24NDymM ymCR3TrG8pDHhORn0BBBEHt6EMle5ZnoluiV45erF9st4i116qRNAEhAJsv8W6m7LFOdEAc3SDfAehVndCQc5VRGLa8l5gyyVHz3WZevK?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

Gentse Stoverij

Gentse Stoverij, or Ghent beef stew, is another beloved Flemish dish known for its rich flavors and tender meat. Slow-cooked in a sauce of Belgian beer, onions, and spices, the beef becomes melt-in-your-mouth tender, creating a savory stew that warms the soul on chilly Ghent evenings. It is often accompanied by fluffy mashed potatoes or stoemp, a traditional Belgian potato and vegetable mash.

AD 4nXfzuPzXLDrW5Kj1bq uzaYFN5hhMA9l9MXGKWzbxDBNW6UA0JX5knX5gPQB9eiuzaa

3.2 Belgian Waffles and Chocolate

Belgian Waffles

No visit to Ghent is complete without indulging in a classic Belgian waffle, known for its light, airy texture and crispy exterior. Ghent’s street vendors and cafes offer an array of waffle varieties, from Liege waffles with pearl sugar to Brussels-style waffles topped with whipped cream, fresh berries, and decadent chocolate sauce. Whether enjoyed as a sweet treat or a delicious breakfast, Belgian waffles are a culinary delight not to be missed.

AD 4nXe6fOQ6dOW92OTNZXBik6S pybRHSZC8qmysR6J72m iRvzv DrT0HJ9g1ySY4ezV8dvNJPz69Nw3rYbokHrtKFLGnw1g3Cuf9jQTrf51vpY cmrn 8zh1T32276jBQ2ZEX0ET 8AySHMYeEJ9Phnn7TFET?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

Artisan Chocolates

Belgium is synonymous with chocolate, and Ghent boasts an array of artisanal chocolatiers who craft exquisite chocolates using traditional methods and premium ingredients. From pralines filled with creamy ganache to delicate truffles infused with local flavors, Ghent’s chocolate shops offer a sensory journey through Belgium’s rich chocolate-making heritage. Visitors can indulge in chocolate-tasting tours, workshops, and demonstrations to appreciate the artistry behind each decadent bite.

AD 4nXeZrTBO19FA9Ttl07jlFcJFtTH3p8KT6uSIcpVj8W9iuJBuMbDOEmhM91BoDxKdOMdhAHG082vnEUVbM 7ChDghFJ3sy9OH2xMnl7p86WPmW6brstTeI olVV7kxdm C3 q6yAkY5Y76i54k4sAzGJ9jQ0E?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

3.3 Local Brews

Ghent Beer Culture

Belgium is renowned for its diverse beer culture, and Ghent is no exception, with a thriving scene of breweries, pubs, and beer cafes. From traditional Trappist ales brewed by monks to hoppy Abbey beers and refreshing Lambics, Ghent offers a beer for every palate. 

Visitors can sample local brews at historic pubs like De Dulle Griet, where beer enthusiasts can try the famous Kwak served in its iconic glassware. Gruut Brewery, known for its innovative use of herbs instead of hops, offers guided tours and tastings for those eager to learn more about Belgian brewing traditions.

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4. Practical Tips

Navigate Ghent’s cityscape with ease using public transport options like buses and trams, or explore on foot or by bike. The Ghent City Card offers convenience and savings, providing access to attractions and discounts on tours that showcase the city’s historic and cultural highlights.

4.1 Transportation

Public Transport

AD 4nXe8OWqWxHwExktOyWrTJlumTIc4FSoOu4VRC7CS3yC549BtC3ZrU2moscXdjWCd02nW3hU SBU a3dKYuYDK YhHjzLegSNz8GXORNuX2ww gj2P3CmM5tjpcVz8R7afGs4oTpfpav1yAEIOt VYe7dXf5y?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

Ghent’s efficient public transport system includes buses and trams operated by De Lijn, providing convenient access to the city center and surrounding neighborhoods. The Ghent City Card offers unlimited travel on public transport, as well as discounts on museums, attractions, and boat tours, making it a cost-effective option for visitors exploring Ghent’s sights.

Biking and Walking

Ghent is a pedestrian-friendly city with dedicated bike lanes and scenic walking paths that make it easy to navigate on foot or by bike. Visitors can rent bicycles from numerous rental shops across the city, exploring Ghent’s historic streets, parks, and waterfront at their leisure. Guided bike tours offer insights into Ghent’s history and culture, combining sightseeing with outdoor adventure.

4.2 Accommodation

AD 4nXdlowRfCZ 8aVZrA7SVAlQdDhg0fi4tBFA4Qtyl dTbya6FJzIoNL2UMG0oi0cNe Za24VaLMbY8UYeS5vbopj4a8HTsdiVVHjT13mmjcngIEhucwPXPcAh2qwxmy14ZKdThwLBmCf2 OnU5Le4RQgBtBg?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

Hotels and Guesthouses

Ghent offers a range of accommodations to suit every traveler’s preferences and budget, from luxurious hotels in historic buildings to cozy guesthouses and boutique B&Bs. The city center, particularly around Graslei and Korenlei, is ideal for those seeking proximity to major attractions, restaurants, and nightlife. Ghent’s hotels often feature unique architectural details and modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable stay amid the city’s timeless charm.

4.3 Currency and Payments

Euro (EUR)

The official currency in Belgium is the Euro (EUR), which is widely accepted at hotels, restaurants, shops, and attractions in Ghent. Credit and debit cards are commonly used for payments, though it’s advisable to carry some cash for smaller purchases and transactions. ATMs are readily available throughout the city, providing easy access to Euros as needed.

4.4 Language and Communication

Languages Spoken

The official languages of Belgium are Dutch (Flemish), French, and German, with Dutch being the primary language spoken in Ghent. English is widely understood and spoken, especially in tourist areas, making it easy for visitors to communicate with locals. Learning a few basic Dutch phrases, such as greetings and polite expressions, can enhance your cultural experience and interactions during your stay in Ghent.

Useful Phrases

  • Hello: Hallo
  • Thank you: Dank u wel
  • Goodbye: Tot ziens
  • Excuse me: Pardon

5. Experiences

Immerse yourself in Ghent’s cultural tapestry with events like the Ghent Festival, a lively celebration of music, theater, and culinary delights held annually in July. The Light Festival transforms the city with illuminated art installations, offering a magical experience that highlights Ghent’s artistic ingenuity.

5.1 Cultural Experiences

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Ghent Festivities

The Ghent Festival (Gentse Feesten) is a highlight of the city’s cultural calendar, held annually in July. This vibrant event transforms Ghent into a lively celebration of music, theater, street performances, and culinary delights. Locals and visitors alike gather at venues across the city, from historic squares to intimate cafes, to enjoy a diverse program of cultural events and festivities. The Ghent Festival offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the city’s artistic spirit and communal joy.

Light Festival Ghent

Every three years, Ghent hosts the Light Festival, a mesmerizing spectacle that illuminates the city’s architectural landmarks and public spaces with stunning light installations and artworks. This nocturnal event draws thousands of visitors who wander through illuminated streets, bridges, and canals, experiencing Ghent’s historic sites in a new light. The Light Festival showcases innovative light art from international artists, creating a magical atmosphere that captivates audiences of all ages.

5.2 Outdoor Activities

AD 4nXffu27uWR2kzYqb48U6LcfvyOHRVeFmsnG6 5FuKwaZRKe cNIXHU78kfrfZpSkFqke1W8HgM2TujvOaLUcyRsor0Eh6Ea0zy3W7ygTqCRB5hbxPArlepXsYPEhqqquX 6msu4A4cg0 vZAEgDPlYH9aIrC?key=ICGTy8VQ2rEpK9hW1bih4A

Boat Tours on Graslei and Korenlei

Exploring Ghent’s scenic canals and waterways by boat offers a unique perspective on the city’s architectural treasures and historic landmarks. Boat tours depart from Graslei and Korenlei, taking visitors on leisurely cruises along the River Lys (Leie) past medieval guildhouses, ancient bridges, and verdant riverbanks. Guided tours provide fascinating insights into Ghent’s maritime history, urban development, and cultural heritage, offering panoramic views that capture the city’s timeless beauty.

Parks and Gardens

Ghent boasts several picturesque parks and gardens where visitors can unwind amidst natural beauty and tranquility. Citadel Park, located near the city center, features expansive lawns, scenic walking paths, and botanical gardens showcasing a diverse collection of plant species. 

The Ghent University Botanical Garden, one of the oldest botanical gardens in Belgium, offers a serene retreat with rare plants, greenhouses, and themed gardens that reflect Ghent’s botanical heritage.

Ghent, with its blend of medieval grandeur, artistic innovation, and culinary delights, offers travelers a captivating journey through Belgium’s cultural heartland. Whether exploring historic landmarks like Gravensteen Castle and St. Bavo’s Cathedral, savoring traditional dishes such as Waterzooi and Belgian waffles, or immersing yourself in vibrant cultural festivals and outdoor activities, Ghent promises an unforgettable travel experience. 

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