Vanilla Chiffon Cake

A Vanilla Chiffon Cake is a light, airy, and tender dessert known for its delightful flavor and delicate texture. This classic cake is characterized by its high-rising, spongy crumb, which is achieved through the unique method of incorporating whipped egg whites. Vanilla Chiffon Cake is loved for its simplicity and versatility. Its gentle vanilla flavor pairs well with a variety of toppings, from fresh fruits and whipped cream to chocolate ganache or a simple dusting of powdered sugar. Whether enjoyed as a standalone treat or as a base for creative desserts, the Vanilla Chiffon Cake remains a timeless favorite for both casual gatherings and special occasions.

What is Vanilla Chiffon Cake?

A Vanilla Chiffon Cake is a type of cake known for its light, fluffy, and tender texture. It falls into the category of sponge cakes and is characterized by its use of vegetable oil instead of butter, which contributes to its moistness. The key feature that sets a chiffon cake apart is the method used to create its airy crumb.

Here’s how a Vanilla Chiffon Cake is typically made:


  • Egg yolks
  • Egg whites
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Cake flour
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Vanilla extract
  • Water


  1. Prepare the Batter: The cake begins with a batter made from egg yolks, sugar, vegetable oil, water, and vanilla extract. These ingredients are mixed together until smooth.
  2. Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, cake flour, baking powder, and salt are sifted together to ensure they are well combined and free of lumps.
  3. Combining the Mixtures: The dry ingredients are gradually added to the egg yolk mixture and mixed until just combined. This forms a thick, smooth batter.
  4. Whipped Egg Whites: In another clean, dry bowl, egg whites are beaten until stiff peaks form. This is a crucial step as the whipped egg whites provide the cake’s signature lightness and rise.
  5. Folding Egg Whites: The whipped egg whites are gently folded into the batter in several stages. Folding is done carefully to maintain the volume and airiness of the whipped egg whites.
  6. Baking: The combined batter is poured into an ungreased tube pan or chiffon cake pan. The lack of added fat (butter or oil) on the pan’s surface allows the cake to “climb” up the sides as it bakes.
  7. Cooling: Once baked, the cake is inverted in the pan and left to cool completely. This helps maintain its structure and prevents it from collapsing.

Vanilla Chiffon Cake has a subtle vanilla flavor and a moist, tender crumb, making it a versatile base for various desserts. It’s often enjoyed on its own, dusted with powdered sugar, or served with fresh fruits, whipped cream, or other toppings. The cake’s ability to absorb flavors and remain light and airy makes it a favorite for a wide range of dessert creations.

Vanilla Chiffon Cake

Why did my Vanilla Chiffon Cake collapse after baking?

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If your Vanilla Chiffon Cake collapsed after baking, it can be attributed to several factors. Here are some common reasons why a chiffon cake may collapse and some tips on how to prevent it:

  1. Underbaking: Chiffon cakes need to be fully baked until they are set in the center. If you remove the cake from the oven too early, the structure may not have fully developed, leading to a collapse. Always follow the recommended baking time and test for doneness with a toothpick; it should come out clean when inserted into the center of the cake.
  2. Opening the Oven Door Too Early: Opening the oven door prematurely while the cake is still rising can cause it to deflate. Be patient and avoid opening the oven door until the cake is close to being fully baked.
  3. Overmixing or Undermixing: Overmixing or undermixing the batter can lead to an unstable cake structure. When folding the whipped egg whites into the batter, do it gently and only until fully combined. Overmixing can deflate the egg whites and result in a denser cake.
  4. Using the Wrong Pan: Chiffon cakes are typically baked in an ungreased tube pan or chiffon cake pan. Using a different type of pan or greasing the pan can prevent the cake from clinging to the sides and rising properly.
  5. Inadequate Cooling: Chiffon cakes require proper cooling to maintain their structure. After baking, the cake should be inverted in the pan and allowed to cool completely. This helps set the cake’s structure and prevents collapse.
  6. Low Egg White Volume: Whipping the egg whites to stiff peaks is a critical step in chiffon cake making. Make sure your egg whites are properly whipped, and there are no traces of yolk or grease in the bowl or beaters. Properly whipped egg whites provide the cake with its lift and stability.
  7. High Altitude Baking: If you are baking at high altitudes, you may need to make adjustments to the recipe, such as reducing the sugar or increasing the baking time. High-altitude baking can affect the cake’s rise and structure.
  8. Expired Baking Powder: Ensure that your baking powder is fresh and within its expiration date. Expired baking powder may not provide adequate leavening, leading to a cake that doesn’t rise properly.
  9. Improper Ingredient Ratios: Ensure that you’ve followed the recipe and measured the ingredients accurately. Deviating from the recipe, especially when it comes to the ratios of wet and dry ingredients, can affect the cake’s structure.

By addressing these potential causes and following the recommended techniques, you can increase your chances of preventing a Vanilla Chiffon Cake from collapsing and achieve a light, airy, and properly risen cake.

Why you will love Vanilla Chiffon Cake?

There are several reasons why you might love Vanilla Chiffon Cake:

  1. Light and Airy Texture: Vanilla Chiffon Cake is renowned for its incredibly light and airy texture. It’s delightfully tender and fluffy, making it a joy to eat.
  2. Versatility: This cake serves as a versatile canvas for a wide range of flavor variations and toppings. You can customize it to suit your preferences and the occasion.
  3. Subtle Vanilla Flavor: The gentle vanilla flavor in a Vanilla Chiffon Cake is not overpowering, allowing it to pair well with a variety of other flavors, from fruits and berries to chocolate and coffee.
  4. Moistness: Thanks to the use of vegetable oil, this cake is exceptionally moist, ensuring that each bite is a delightful and satisfying experience.
  5. Lower in Fat: Compared to butter-based cakes, Vanilla Chiffon Cake is typically lower in saturated fat, making it a slightly healthier dessert option.
  6. Elegance and Presentation: Its high rise and airy crumb give Vanilla Chiffon Cake an elegant appearance, making it suitable for special occasions and celebrations.
  7. Perfect for Layering: Its even texture and softness make it an ideal choice for layer cakes. You can stack layers with various fillings to create impressive multi-layered desserts.
  8. Timeless Classic: Vanilla Chiffon Cake is a timeless classic that appeals to a wide range of tastes and preferences. It’s a crowd-pleaser that never goes out of style.
  9. Pairs Well with Many Toppings: Whether you prefer it plain with a dusting of powdered sugar, topped with fresh fruits and whipped cream, or accompanied by rich chocolate ganache, Vanilla Chiffon Cake complements a variety of toppings and accompaniments.
  10. Great for Any Occasion: Whether it’s a casual gathering, a birthday party, or a formal event, Vanilla Chiffon Cake is versatile enough to suit any occasion.
  11. Simplicity: While it may appear complex due to its airy texture, Vanilla Chiffon Cake is relatively simple to make, even for novice bakers.

In summary, Vanilla Chiffon Cake offers a delightful combination of lightness, flavor adaptability, and elegance, making it a beloved choice for dessert enthusiasts of all ages. Its versatility and timeless appeal make it a go-to option when you want a cake that’s both delicious and visually pleasing.

Vanilla Chiffon Cake

Vanilla Chiffon Cake Recipe


For the cake:

  • 2 1/4 cups (270g) cake flour
  • 1 1/2 cups (300g) granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 7 large eggs, separated (room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) vegetable oil
  • 3/4 cup (180ml) whole milk
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

For the frosting (optional):

  • 2 cups (240g) powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup (113g) unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 2-3 tablespoons whole milk


  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C). You’ll need an ungreased 10-inch (25cm) tube pan with a removable bottom for this cake.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the cake flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make sure the dry ingredients are well combined.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, vegetable oil, milk, and vanilla extract until well combined.
  4. Gradually add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring until the batter is smooth and well mixed.
  5. In a clean, dry mixing bowl, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar with an electric mixer on high speed until stiff peaks form. This will take a few minutes.
  6. Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the cake batter using a rubber spatula. Be careful not to deflate the egg whites; you want to maintain the cake’s fluffiness.
  7. Pour the batter into the ungreased tube pan.
  8. Bake in the preheated oven for 55-60 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  9. Remove the cake from the oven and immediately invert the pan onto a bottle or cooling rack to cool completely. This step prevents the cake from collapsing as it cools.
  10. Once the cake is completely cool, run a knife around the edges of the pan to loosen the cake, and then remove it from the pan.
  11. If desired, you can make a simple vanilla frosting by mixing powdered sugar, softened butter, vanilla extract, and milk until smooth. Spread the frosting over the top and sides of the cake.
  12. Slice and serve your delicious Vanilla Chiffon Cake.

Enjoy your homemade Vanilla Chiffon Cake! It’s perfect for any occasion and can be served with fresh berries or a dollop of whipped cream for added elegance.

Nutrition information

Nutrition information for Vanilla Chiffon Cake can vary depending on the exact ingredients and portion size, but I can provide you with a general estimate based on a typical recipe and serving size. Keep in mind that this is a rough approximation, and actual values may differ based on specific brands and preparation methods.

Here’s an approximate nutrition breakdown for a slice of Vanilla Chiffon Cake (1/12th of the cake, without frosting):

  • Calories: 220-250 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 30-35 grams
  • Protein: 4-5 grams
  • Fat: 9-11 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 1-2 grams
  • Cholesterol: 100-120 mg
  • Sodium: 180-220 mg
  • Fiber: 0-1 gram
  • Sugars: 15-20 grams

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on the specific recipe and ingredient brands you use. If you’re concerned about the precise nutritional content, it’s a good idea to use a nutritional calculator or consult the nutrition facts on the specific ingredients you use. Additionally, the nutrition values will change if you add frosting or other toppings to the cake.

Vanilla Chiffon Cake

Tips to make perfect Vanilla Chiffon Cake

Making a perfect Vanilla Chiffon Cake can be a bit challenging due to its delicate and airy texture, but with the right techniques and attention to detail, you can achieve great results. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect Vanilla Chiffon Cake:

  1. Use Fresh Ingredients: Make sure your eggs, especially egg whites, are fresh. Fresh egg whites whip up better and create a more stable meringue.
  2. Room Temperature Ingredients: Allow your eggs to come to room temperature before separating them. Room-temperature eggs incorporate more easily into the batter and create a better texture.
  3. Cake Flour: Use cake flour for a lighter and more tender crumb. Cake flour has less protein than all-purpose flour, which helps achieve that soft texture.
  4. Sift Dry Ingredients: Sift your dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder) to remove any lumps and ensure even mixing.
  5. Whipping Egg Whites: When beating the egg whites, make sure the mixing bowl and beaters are clean and completely free of any grease or residue. Even a small amount of fat can hinder the egg whites from reaching stiff peaks.
  6. Cream of Tartar: Adding cream of tartar to the egg whites helps stabilize them and achieve stiff peaks more easily.
  7. Fold Gently: When folding the egg whites into the batter, do it gently to avoid deflating the whipped egg whites. Use a gentle folding motion to maintain the cake’s airy texture.
  8. Tube Pan: Use an ungreased tube pan with a removable bottom, as the cake needs to cling to the sides as it rises. Inverting the pan after baking helps prevent the cake from collapsing.
  9. Don’t Overbake: Chiffon cakes can easily dry out if overbaked. Keep a close eye on the cake in the last few minutes of baking and perform the toothpick test. It should come out clean or with a few moist crumbs attached.
  10. Cool Upside Down: After baking, immediately invert the pan onto a bottle or cooling rack to cool upside down. This helps the cake maintain its height and prevents it from sinking.
  11. Flavor Variations: If you want to add extra flavor to your Vanilla Chiffon Cake, you can use pure extracts like almond, lemon, or orange, in addition to vanilla.
  12. Frosting and Serving: Chiffon cakes are often served without heavy frostings. You can use a light glaze or simply dust the cake with powdered sugar to highlight its airy texture. Serve with fresh berries or a dollop of whipped cream for added flavor.

Remember that practice makes perfect. Chiffon cakes can be a bit finicky, but with experience, you’ll become more skilled at achieving the perfect texture and flavor.

How to serve

Serving Vanilla Chiffon Cake is a delightful experience, and there are several ways to present and enjoy this light and airy dessert. Here’s how to serve Vanilla Chiffon Cake:

  1. Plain and Simple: One of the most classic ways to serve Vanilla Chiffon Cake is simply sliced into portions and served on its own. Its light and tender texture make it a delightful treat by itself.
  2. Dusting of Powdered Sugar: Sprinkle a light dusting of powdered sugar over the top of the cake for a touch of sweetness and a beautiful presentation. Use a fine-mesh sieve or a sifter to evenly distribute the sugar.
  3. Fruit Toppings: Vanilla Chiffon Cake pairs wonderfully with fresh fruit. Top each slice with berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or sliced kiwi for a burst of flavor and color. You can also serve it with a fruit compote or coulis.
  4. Whipped Cream: A dollop of freshly whipped cream adds a luxurious touch to each serving. You can flavor the whipped cream with a little vanilla extract or a hint of citrus zest for extra flair.
  5. Sauce or Glaze: Drizzle a light sauce or glaze over the cake for added flavor. For example, a simple vanilla glaze made with powdered sugar and milk can enhance the sweetness and moisture of the cake.
  6. Ice Cream: Vanilla Chiffon Cake pairs wonderfully with vanilla ice cream. Serve a scoop of high-quality vanilla ice cream alongside a slice of cake for a classic and indulgent dessert.
  7. Nuts and Chocolate: If you like, you can sprinkle some chopped nuts (such as almonds or hazelnuts) or grated chocolate over the top of the cake or as a garnish.
  8. Tea or Coffee: Vanilla Chiffon Cake is a lovely companion to a cup of tea or coffee. The lightness of the cake balances well with the rich flavors of these beverages.
  9. Special Occasions: If you’re serving Vanilla Chiffon Cake for a special occasion, you can decorate it with edible flowers, fondant decorations, or customized cake toppers.
  10. Slice Presentation: When cutting and serving the cake, use a sharp, clean knife to ensure clean slices. You can garnish each plate with a mint sprig or a small edible flower for an elegant touch.

Remember to store any leftover cake in an airtight container to keep it fresh. Vanilla Chiffon Cake is a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed on various occasions, from casual gatherings to formal celebrations.

How to store

Storing Vanilla Chiffon Cake properly is essential to maintain its freshness and texture. Here’s how to store Vanilla Chiffon Cake:

  1. Cool Completely: Before storing the cake, ensure it has cooled completely to room temperature. This prevents condensation from forming inside the storage container, which can make the cake soggy.
  2. Use an Airtight Container: Place the Vanilla Chiffon Cake in an airtight container or a cake carrier with a tight-fitting lid. If you don’t have a cake carrier, you can use a large, airtight plastic container or wrap the cake in plastic wrap and then foil.
  3. Store at Room Temperature: Vanilla Chiffon Cake can be stored at room temperature for up to 2-3 days. Keep it away from direct sunlight and extreme heat. If the weather is very humid, consider refrigerating it to prevent moisture absorption.
  4. Refrigeration (Extended Storage): For longer storage, you can refrigerate the cake. Place it in the airtight container and store it in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days. The cold temperature will help extend its freshness.
  5. Freezing (Long-Term Storage): If you want to store Vanilla Chiffon Cake for an extended period, freezing is a good option. Here’s how:
    • Allow the cake to cool completely.
    • Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn.
    • Place it in a heavy-duty freezer bag or wrap it with aluminum foil.
    • Label the container with the date to keep track of freshness.
    • Freeze for up to 2-3 months.
    • When ready to enjoy, thaw the cake in the refrigerator overnight or at room temperature for a few hours.
  6. Avoid Moisture: Ensure there is no excess moisture inside the container or around the cake. Moisture can lead to a soggy cake.
  7. Slicing Before Freezing: If you plan to freeze the cake, consider slicing it before freezing. This allows you to thaw and enjoy individual portions without having to thaw the entire cake.
  8. Reheat: If you’re serving a refrigerated or frozen Vanilla Chiffon Cake, you can refresh it by briefly warming it in the microwave or placing it in a preheated oven for a few minutes. This helps restore its softness and flavor.

Remember that while storing Vanilla Chiffon Cake, it may lose some of its initial fluffiness and moisture, especially if frozen. However, proper storage will help preserve its taste and prevent it from drying out or becoming stale.

Vanilla Chiffon Cake

FAQ’s about Vanilla Chiffon Cake

1. Why did my Vanilla Chiffon Cake collapse after baking?

  • A collapsed chiffon cake can result from underbaking. Make sure to bake the cake until it’s fully set and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Additionally, avoid opening the oven door too early during baking, as this can cause the cake to sink.

2. How can I prevent the cake from sticking to the pan?

  • Vanilla Chiffon Cake is traditionally baked in an ungreased tube pan. The lack of grease on the pan’s surface allows the cake to cling to the sides and rise properly. After baking, use a thin knife or a spatula to loosen the cake from the sides of the pan before unmolding.

3. My cake turned out too dry. What went wrong?

  • Overbaking is a common cause of a dry chiffon cake. Ensure you follow the recommended baking time and check for doneness with a toothpick. Also, be cautious not to overmix the batter, as this can lead to a tougher texture.

4. How can I achieve stiff peaks when whipping egg whites?

  • To achieve stiff peaks when whipping egg whites, make sure your bowl and beaters are clean and completely free of any grease or residue. Start whipping the egg whites at a low speed and gradually increase to high speed. Add sugar gradually, and avoid overwhipping, as it can lead to a grainy texture.

5. Can I make a Chocolate Chiffon Cake using this recipe?

  • Yes, you can make a Chocolate Chiffon Cake by substituting some of the flour with cocoa powder and adjusting the sugar to taste. Typically, you can replace about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of flour with cocoa powder for a chocolate version.

6. How do I store leftover Vanilla Chiffon Cake?

  • To store leftover Vanilla Chiffon Cake, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container. Store it at room temperature for up to 2-3 days, or refrigerate it for longer shelf life. Chiffon cake can also be frozen for several months. Thaw it in the refrigerator before serving.

7. Can I frost or layer a Vanilla Chiffon Cake?

  • Yes, you can frost or layer a Vanilla Chiffon Cake. Its even texture and softness make it suitable for layering with various fillings and frostings. Just ensure that the cake is completely cooled before assembling to prevent the filling from melting.

8. My cake didn’t rise as much as I expected. What might be the issue?

  • A lack of rise can result from underwhipping the egg whites or overmixing the batter. Make sure to whip the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold them gently into the batter until just combined.

9. Can I make a gluten-free version of Vanilla Chiffon Cake?

  • Yes, you can make a gluten-free Vanilla Chiffon Cake by substituting gluten-free flour for the regular cake flour. Be sure to use a gluten-free flour blend that is suitable for baking.

Happy baking!

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